Hello Lacquered Lovelies!!!

I have been a bit MIA lately but i'm back with a couple of beauties, by the names of Hayleigh and Jacinta!!

As much as I love to do nails and i'm usually pleased with my efforts when I do my own, I've always declined when people have asked me to do their nails for them, I didn't think, and I honestly still don't think I'm good enough to do other peoples for free let alone to charge people, but with the new year, and signing up to do the Nail Tech course, I figure i'd better get over myself and start painting!!

So a couple of my faves from work, Hayleigh and Jacinta, signed up to be my first victims MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

First up is Hayleigh, she has a thing for Matte black and found a pic she liked so here is the recreation (which I'm impressed with!)...
And here is Jacinta, she started out wanting a pastel colour but when she saw "Fancy Pants" there was no going back!

We did a glitter gradient on the accent nail and I think it works!!

They're happy and I'm happy so it's a win-win all round really!!

I still have a long way to go in regards to skill and technique but by overcoming my original fear of lack of confidence, I think i'm gonna be ok, maybe even great! lol

I have the first bit of training for the Nail Tech course on Sunday so wish me luck!!

Night all :)
So I failed the 12 Days of Christmas Nail Art Challenge!

But in my defense, it's been a big month!

I got sick, and still am, and job stress and home stress well needless to say it's been big!

But moving right along!!

This is, to me, the most Christmassy mani I've done so far!

I just love these!! The little snowman decals are so cute!

And anyway, just because we're all gonna melt here in Moranbah on Christmas Day, I'll be cool with my snow nails!!

Night night all 😃

Oh and I've just enrolled to do "Certificate 2 in Nail Technology" so yaay me!

Hopefully when I'm fully qualified I'll feel more confident and comfortable painting everyone's nails that have asked me too in the past, then it'll be snowmen all round!! Lol

Ok so night night again 😴


The second challenge in the 12 Days of Christmas Nail Art Challenge!
Nailed It NZ
I went with Presents and i'm kinda happy with how they turned out.

They're not super neat but i'm sooooo tired today!!

So many colours went into this one! And as my free handing skills are lacking, I used bow stickers to finish them off!
And a slightly blurry picture of my right hand to show I actually did both hands! lol
That's all for tonight folks :)

Peace out.

Shazz xxx
My first Christmas Mani for the season!!!

I've decided to join the Christmas challenge that I found through following Jessie on her  blog " naileditnz.com "

Well, I'm going to try and keep up at least!

Here's the line up...

Hopefully clicking on the link below should do something......
Nailed It NZ
So first cab off the rank is "Christmas Tree"

The white is China Glaze Snow, green is China Glaze This is Tree-Mendous, some striping tape a few diamanté things and voila!


Even my right hand came up alright!!!

On a side note, I did Tesh's nails today too.

She loves herself some animal print!!!

And on another side note, it was my babies 5th Birthday Party today!

A big day!! Lol

I'm hoping I'll be able to keep up with the Christmas Challenge but as it's my first one, I'm not sure if I can, but I'm gonna try!!!

Feel free to comment below
I'm LOVING these!!!

This is my last Halloween themed mani for the year, and whilst I'm looking forward to using different colours, I've gotta say, I've been enjoying this theme!!

My stamping still needs some work but I'm thrilled with the little spider and web!

And "Ruby Pumps" you're just the perfect red for everything, including blood!!!

I looked back at my first drip mani and geez I've gotten better! Even if I do say so myself!!!

And with all the stamping templates I've got I would have bet money that I had lots of Halloween images, but this lonely little pumpkin was it :( lol

Anyway, have a great Halloween everyone and remember, you don't need to wait for the markets to buy polishes, your welcome to order online and pickup!

Stay safe and goodnight!!



Good Evening to you all!!!

Here's my attempt at some Halloween nails...

A few different designs and ideas in one mani but I think it works AWESOME!!!

I haven't finished my right hand yet but I'm hopeful! Lol

Let me know what you think and if you'll be trying any of these looks on the big night!!

Stay safe everyone!!



Here's my right hand!

I've come to grips with the fact that my right hand is always only ever gonna be average at best, but I gotta say, i'm pretty stoked with this effort!!

Go me! lol

Bye Again!

Good Wednesday All!!!

I have had a fantastic week!!!

It's been celebrations galore in little old Moranbah!!

2 work friends leaving town, night markets and my birthday!!!

But first to tonight's nails!

A friend at work said pink nails so, as she is not just a friend but my boss...I delivered!!

My black tips dragged in my top coat but I'll survive!

My right hand is, as usual, a bit average, the silver on my stripes bled a bit but hey, it's only nail polish!!

I think I'm getting better at free handing my French tips, go me!!

I turned 33 on Sunday... Where do the years go???

My darling husband bought me personalized Betty Boop number plates for my new Kluger and I just love them!!

I may or may not have a small/tiny Betty Boop obsession....

And I may or may not be totally spoilt!!! lol 😃

And my friend/boss bought me this........

It's cute as!!! And we're calling it "Toast-It Notes"!!

Well that's it for tonight!!

Make sure you get yourselves to Moranbah Markets on Sunday! Everything needed to recreate this look will be available at the Everything 4 Nails stall!

Hope to see you there.

Nighty night


Good Evening Lovelies!!

It's been such a long one since I was at the Moranbah Markets!!

And what better way to celebrate my return then with a striping tape mani!!

So simple and easy and I'm loving the little diamanté in the middle!!

And proof that it's easy, my elusive right hand!!!

As usual, everything needed for this mani will be available tomorrow, so come on down and have a nosy at all my new things *swoon*!! Lol

Hope to see you there!!
So Spongebob Squarepants isn't for everyone but..... What about Barbie??!!!

Whilst Taleah (my almost 5 year old daughter) loved the Spongebob Squarepants Nails, there was no chance they'd fit on her nails so instead she got the smallest Barbies I could find!!!

She loves them sooooooo success!!!!


Love them!!!

Water Decals, I have decided are my all-time favourite thing!!

For this week at least!!!

And some right hand shots to show how easy these are!

I had already done my left hand by this stage and was a little Spongebob Giddy so the placement on my right hand is a bit wonky but hey, so is Spongebob!!